This Won't Take But A Minute Honey - by Steve Almond.
If you want a fantastic tiny book about writing (it measures 6 1/2” x 4 1/2” x 1/4”).
It is my go-to book for no nonsense, buck up, do the work instruction on what makes for good writing and good stories in 31 single page (or so) essays. Here is the last sentence of the last chapter:
I mentioned before, or maybe I didn't, the ancient feeling I get when I read a beautiful story. It's as if I'm a little kid again and something very sad has happened and it's winter and night has blackened the branches above, I'm very stirred up, close to tears actually, because I can see—I've been made to see—the sorrow that everyone is lugging around and the cruel things this sorrow makes them do and still I want to forgive them. I want to forgive every last sorry bastard. God, I love that feeling.
You can read more about Steve Almond on his website. This Won't Take But A Minute, Honey costs $9.41 and is worth every nickel. You can buy it here:
About Susan Edsall
Writing is how I make my way through the thicket of what we’ve made of this planet we’re on. It takes me a long time and lots of words. Social media mystifies me. How do so many people have so much to say, so quickly, and with such resolute certainty? Read more about Susan >